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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Curriculum Leadership at Oldfield Brow

At Oldfield Brow, we are proud of our distributed leadership across the school.  Part of this leadership focuses on ensuring that each of our subjects is led by a designated Subject Leader who is responsible for ensuring that their subject's curriculum is taught well across the school; leading to excellent outcomes for your children in these subjects.

Each subject leader is linked with a strategic leader.  This is a member of the school's senior leadership team who provides both strategic and coaching support for leaders.

Below table that shows who leads the specific subjects at Oldfield Brow Primary School:

Curriculum Leadership

Strategic Link: James Cash

Strategic Link: Dawn Moody

Strategic Link: Joanne Norbury

Early Number:

Mrs Seema Saini

Early Reading:

Miss Elizabeth Brash

Early Writing:

Miss Charlotte Kelly

Overall Mathematics:

Mrs Fiona Bowes

Overall Reading:

Mrs Rachel Chetwyn

Overall Writing:

Mrs Lynn Thornton


Miss Catherine Drabble


Mr David Thompson-Allen


Mr Robert Phillips


Miss Lisa Pritchard

Oracy (2024-2025)

including Forest School:

Mrs Karen Brownsell


Mr Stephen Brown

Physical Education:

Miss Samantha Cooney

Design Technology

Miss Erica Guy

Art and Design:

Mrs Lynn Thornton/ Mrs Karen Brownsell

Physical Education (2) focus on Outdoor Play (OPAL):

Mr Sam Evans


Mr Colin Smith 

French (MFL)

Miss Kim Mawe


Mrs Amy Hopkins

Mrs Laura Heffernan

Rights Respecting and Maths ‘Lead’ Teacher

Mr Sam Butler

Religious Education:

Mrs Lucy Cridland

 At Oldfield Brow, we define the role of a Subject Leader under three key qualities: a CHAMPION,  STRATEGIST and a FACILITATOR. They are responsible for ensuring that all of the children learn the planned curriculum.

subject leadership role of a subject leader at oldfield brow.pdf

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School