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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Within our school, the teaching of history aims to promote enquiry skills that are encouraged from EYFS to Year 6. Children are encouraged to go beyond the questions of ‘how, when, where, what and why’ and develop ambitious investigations into a diverse range of personal, national and world history and how this has impacted our lives.

We aim to ensure children use progressive skills to develop a sense of personal and external history and provide children with appropriate vocabulary, building on the previous year’s learning, to give them tools to investigate critically. We intend to explore history in a chronological manner, ensuring that children can immerse themselves in our historical timeline as they move through the school.

In our EYFS, learning begins with an understanding of self, with appropriate accompanying vocabulary. This continues to explore the child’s wider setting and progress the language used from previous years.

In Year 1 and 2, as language develops, children learn about changes in living memory – this focuses on historical and modern toys and understanding the comparison between then and now. An important focus continues with an exploration into significant individuals who have impacted the world on a national and global scale and compares these individuals.

KS2 begin their learning journey in Year 3 focusing on some of the earliest time periods – The Stone Age and Ancient Civilisations. Leading on from this, year groups study further periods following a chronological framework which creates an exceptional visual of our past and develops enquiry, investigation, oracy and a deeper knowledge and understanding of how and why our modern lives are the way they are.

Through their understanding of the past and of lives in different conditions, children will be encouraged to develop their feelings and ‘empathy’ for others. Through their understanding of the past, children will be helped to develop an understanding of the diversity we enjoy as a community today. Children will learn about the development of democracy, our government, the Monarchy, citizenship, and the Law. They will learn about rights and responsibilities, moral, social and environmental issues.

what does teaching and learning in history look like at oldfield brow.pdf

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Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School