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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Oldfield Brow Primary School’s Curriculum is designed to:

  • Instil within each of our learners the academic knowledge and social understanding to thrive in a changing world across all subjects.
  • Inspire each learner to aspire towards achieving exceptional academic and personal outcomes by ensuring effective challenges for all learners within the most supportive of school environments.
  • Innovate approaches to teaching and learning to ensure all learners and teachers have the opportunities to be independent risk-takers and active thinkers; using the substantive and disciplinary knowledge they have acquired to find innovative solutions to challenging problems.

We use the terms instill, inspire and innovate throughout our teaching to ensure that all of our learners have the knowledge and skills required to be truly innovative in their learning in order to enable them to "thrive in a changing world" (School Vision, 2023).

Our curriculum is designed to embed the core values across all subjects.

What is an exceptional curriculum?

When developing our curriculum, we considered many definitions of what an exceptional curriculum should be for our learners. Below are a few quotes that we used to formulate our curriculum philosophy at Oldfield Brow.

  • “A good curriculum enables [all] children. It enriches their minds… enabling them to think” (School Value Link: INNOVATION) (adapted from a quote from Claire Sealy)
  • “A curriculum exists to change the pupil, to give then new power; [to empower them]. One acid test of a curriculum is whether it enables all pupils to build on the discourse and practices of others so they can achieve their aspirations” (School Value Link: ASPIRATION, CHALLENGE and COLLABORATION) (adapted from a quote from Christine Counsell).
  • A teacher needs be an integral part of the school’s curriculum design which takes time and planning which is best done as a collaborative venture between teachers” (adapted from Dylan Williams and Jerome Bruner)

We are in the process of refining our curriculum based on our updated vision and curriculum intent and implementation plans (shared below). We are working systematically through each subject to ensure that the curriculum meets our aims. 

Curriculum Intent and Implementation Statement 2023

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School