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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Modern Foreign Languages


In our school, through the learning of French we aim to develop an enthusiasm and excitement for language learning. We intend to develop the children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and introduce new vocabulary/phrases each week as well as revisiting previous learning to help children retain this vocabulary.

We aim to develop these communicational skills and extend their knowledge of how language works, giving the children a better understanding of their own language as well as preparing them for future language learning. During these lessons, children will be allowed to learn about France and different francophone countries.

We aim to provide them with a cultural experience and may give children, who haven’t had the opportunity to travel abroad, a new perspective on the world and encourage them to make comparisons and understand their own cultures and those of others.

We aim to make MFL lessons at Oldfield Brow engaging and interactive that are accessible to all children (SEND, EAL, disadvantaged backgrounds and different academic abilities).

what does teaching and learning in french mfl look like at oldfield brow.pdf

What do our pupils say about learning French at Oldfield Brow?

French takes me out of my comfort zone. I am getting more confident and I raise my hand more to answer questions (Year 6 Pupil)

I found it really interesting learning about different countries that speak French (Year 6 Pupil)

I feel more confident with my numbers - saying the register in French numbers helps (Year 6 Pupil)

I feel I can make/say sentences in French much better than last year (Year 4 Pupil)

I know I am improving because I get more correct and my pronunciation is better (Year 4 Pupil)

MFL Ladder

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School