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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Our Vision and Values

At Oldfield Brow, we believe that every child is exceptional. We strive to ‘Inspire the Exceptional’ in everything we do so that everyone can realise their potential and fulfil their ambitions.

Vision: Oldfield Brow Primary School’s purpose is to inspire the exceptional potential of all members of our school community by empowering confident, independent learners who have the right attitude and knowledge to thrive in a changing world.

Values: To achieve this vision, we expect all members of our school community to be:

  • Respectful global citizens (RESPECT)
  • Reflective, resilient learners (REFLECTION)
  • Innovative challenge seekers (INNOVATION)
  • Effective communicators and collaborative team members (COLLABORATION)

In order to both recognise and aspire towards their limitless potential (ASPIRATION).



Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School