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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Scheme of Learning: Primary PE Passport

We are proud to have been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark for the fifth year running!  We are now eligible for the PLATINUM award next year. 


Our PE curriculum aims to expand on the national curriculum by embedding good habits for a happy and healthy life and show children how using physical movement as part of their daily routine can make healthier bodies and happier minds.

We aim to give all children opportunities to enjoy sport and competition, teaching them the importance of respect, reflection and aspiration. We aim to deliver a wide range of activities in PE lessons to provide children with opportunities to experience many different sporting activities and inspire a love of physical activity.

We use PE and sports to develop a range of social and communication skills, learning how to work with others collaboratively and, as they progress through the school, to develop leadership skills. We aim to show our learners how they can continue to build on and improve their performances in a range of activities to become determined and resilient individuals.

At Oldfield Brow, children are given the opportunities to experience a wide range of sporting activities in a supportive atmosphere that inspires them to achieve their very best and equips them with the skills to continue progressing after they leave us in Year 6. We help students to embed a variety of physical activities into their daily routines and instill healthy habits that will hopefully stay with them as they move through secondary school and then into adulthood. The opportunities we provide for children to represent their school in competitions and festivals give them feelings of excitement, pride and a sense of belonging to a community.

what does teaching and learning in pe look like at oldfield brow.pdf

What do our children learn in their PE lessons?

  • Our long-term PE curriculum is carefully sequenced on the PE Passport program to ensure a broad and balanced range of activities are taught across areas including dance, gymnastics, yoga, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, invasion games and OAA, ensuring that National Curriculum objectives are fully met and children’s skills are developed progressively, building on prior learning from previous years.
  • From Year 1 children have two PE lessons a week covering two areas each half term. In Year 1 and Year 2, children develop a range of core skills that can be transferred to a range of different sports such as moving in different ways (e.g. backtracking as you would in tennis), dodging defenders (as you would in rugby), striking balls with accuracy (as you would in cricket) and so much more. These skills are then utilised and further developed throughout KS2 where children begin to learn the rules and tactics to apply their skills within a variety of games.
  • We choose to deliver a combination of traditional sports, such as cricket and tennis, and less traditional sports, such as ultimate frisbee and handball, giving children opportunities to experience and enjoy a range of physical activities. Children in Y3 swim once a week for 18 weeks.
  • PE lessons are usually delivered by our teaching staff but we also get specialist coaches in to work alongside teachers, e.g. gymnastics, to upskill staff further. Each teacher has a minimum of two half-terms working alongside professional coaches in an area of their choice, learning from their experiences and developing their own knowledge and confidence. 
  • Teachers assess children through observations and questioning during the PE lessons and formally assess their progress at the end of each unit (at the end of each half term), recording results on the PE Passport assessment tracker, with the opportunity to use pictures and videos as evidence for judgements. Students will be assessed in three areas: physical performance, social and development and competition.
  • Our teaching is delivered to meet the needs of all students, adapting tasks accordingly to provide support and challenge to ensure every student is included and to promote a love of physical activity and sport that will hopefully follow the children through their lives.

60 Active Minutes - Daily Physical Activity

  • We understand how important daily physical activity for keeping our both our minds and bodies and ensure all children have the opportunity for a minimum of 30 active minutes each day whilst in school and encourage them to reach 60 active minutes.
  • We encourage children to travel to and from school in an active way using the WOW Travel Tracker reward system to not only keep them healthy but help our environment and keep the roads near our school safer for children. We keep parents updated about this using the website and newsletters to encourage them to help too!
  • We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs from basketball and football to yoga and adventurers Forest Club, using pupil voice surveys and questionnaires to find out which sports have the highest demand and then providing those clubs. We have had a big focus on girls football with our school team getting some excellent results in local competitions.
  • Every year group has time-tabled access to our all-weather, daily mile track and aims to use it at least 3 times per week.  
  • We embed short bursts of activity into our daily routines using activities such as 5-a-day, Go Noodle, Just Dance or similar activities where the whole class can join in copying movements along to music- even staff!
  • We use the Teach Active program to make maths and English lessons more active and give children opportunities to learn in a hands-on way whilst developing their reading, grammar and maths skills.
  • Additionally, we provide ‘taster days’ of new sports each year such as Glow in the Dark dodgeball and Fencing. These are used to inspire children to enjoy a new physical activity that they wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to.

Sport Competitions and Leadership

  • We use our membership with Trafford Schools Sports Partnership (TSSP) to offer a fantastic range of sports competitions and festivals with a range of intents from developing social skills and self-belief to participating in more competitive tournaments.
  • Each year we enter a group of Y5 children into a Leadership program, that is run in partnership with TSSP, which allows them to develop a range of skills: collaborating as a team, planning activities, presenting assemblies, leading games to groups of children and more.
  • Our TSSP membership also offers further CPD opportunities for staff in a variety of areas.
  • Staff are upskilled in different sporting activities each year working alongside professional coaches.
  • We work towards the School Games Mark every year and improved from bronze to silver and then gold - we have been awarded gold level for several years now.
  • We keep parents informed of our sporting competitions and events via email/letters, the Sports display board, the school website and termly newsletters.
Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School