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The Brow Abroad - France 2024

Day 1:

Oldfield Brow are on Tour! What a fabulous day we had on our long trip to France for our music and history-themed residential visit. We're all tucked up in bed now ready to visit a French school tomorrow as we prepare for sporting fun and to perform with them too!

Day 2:
What an amazing day we have had in Honfleur, France. From meeting new friends to sharing our combined love of music and sport, we have had a true cultural exchange as we learned about life in France. The children were exceptional in learning to communicate with others in a language that is not their own but still making good friends. Who knew a rubix cube could be so powerful! This was all finished off with a fabulous concert in which we performed our favourite songs and one in French too.  So proud to be a member of the Oldfield Brow family - tomorrow Normandy, Gold Beach and a visit to a local chocolate factory! Wow!
Day 3:
We had the best day on our residential tour of Normandy, France which started with a visit to a chocolate factory, then on to Bayeux where we stopped off to see the Bayeux Tapestry; the 1000-year-old tale of the Norman invasion of England.  and then onto Alamange to experience the 360 cinema and feel what it was like 80 years ago on D-Day and the subsequent Battle of Normandy. We then visited the British War memorial and onto Gold Beach, the site of the British landing on the 6th June 1944! Wow! Wow! Wow! An exceptional day made all the better by the children who were sensational throughout this trip. What superstars!

Our Poem...Brow Abroad

Monday morning was an early start,

4am was our time to depart!

Teachers and children couldn’t start yawning,

Adults were craving coffee all morning.


We stopped in Birmingham to pick up James,

Who put up with karaoke but refused to play games.

Despite what he said, he loved us really,

When we asked, “Are we there yet?” he kept saying, “nearly”.


Markus did his homework on the bus,

On the long coach rides they never made a fuss.

Penny made friends with a kid from France,

They watched us do a Tik Tok dance.


Katrina and Timson were singing their hearts out,

Hollie and Zeta were letting their farts out.

The cubes were solved by Ollie and James,

Rudy and Joel won the scavenger games.


Skye looked good with her beret hat,

Kody showed skills with a cricket bat.

Patrick and Owen had fun in the park,

Ellie and Yutong snuck out after dark.


Jacob knew lots about the war,

Eugenia couldn’t remember if she’d locked the door.

Emma and Ester helped hide the girls from the boys,

Heidi made sure there wasn’t too much noise!


Isla put on the greatest show!

Despacito sung perfectly by Flo.

Emma and Eloise showed us their moves,

Teachers made us laugh with their grooves.


Incredible flips were done by Miss Drabble,

Miss Mawe on hand to help with French babble.

Miss Kelly helped the kids sing their best,

Mr Cash wouldn’t give karaoke a rest.


But nothing could be done without Mr Brown,

The best music teacher in all the town!

He had to put his birthday to the side,

To show all the children the time of their lives.


Thank you for all that you’ve done,

Coming on this trip, we have all won.

Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School