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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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NEW: Oracy at Oldfield Brow

In the 2024-2025 academic year, Oldfield Brow is proud to be a Voice 21 Oracy School, and we aim to become an Oracy Centre of Excellence. Throughout this academic year, more information about why and how we are embedding oracy in our school will be added. 

Linking closely with our school value of 'collaboration', we see oracy as an important foundation of ensuring that our children can "thrive in a changing world" (School Vision, 2023) by finding their voice and being confident enough to share their ideas. 

What is Oracy?

Voice 21 defines oracy as "the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language".

Why does a high-quality oracy education matter?

Research shows that a high-quality oracy education is vital to not only improve academic outcomes of our learners but also to foster their confidence and wellbeing. 

Spoken language skills are one of the strongest predictors of a child’s future life chances but too many children are not given the opportunity to develop these crucial skills. At Oldfield Brow, we are keen to ensure that this is does not happen to any pupil and will ensure that oracy is a key thread across all areas of our school's approach.

Discussion Guidenlines

Our discussion guidelines aim to support our children in talking effectively, enabling them to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. We encourage parents to engage in meaningful conversations with their children, fostering an environment where discussion thrives. By actively participating in dialogues at home, you can help reinforce the importance of communication and critical thinking, ensuring that your child develops the confidence to articulate their views in various settings. 

Phase 1 (Nursery and Reception) Phase 2 (Year 1-3) Phase 3 (Years 4-6)
Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School