At Oldfield Brow we follow the National Centre for Computing Excellence (NCCE) 'Teach Computing' Curriculum
Within our school, the teaching of computing aims to equip children to use inquisitive thinking and creativity to understand and change the world through technology. We intend through the Computing Curriculum that pupils are encouraged to expand and develop their skills in Computing by accessing a range of technology including I-pads and computers. Our Computing Scheme of Work, is designed to build on previous knowledge and skills and ensure progression that challenges children in all aspects of Computing.
Computing links to the whole school Curriculum. Children are allowed to practice and develop the skills they have learnt, enabling them to become digitally literate, so they can express and develop their ideas through information and computer technology – instilling strong foundations at a level relevant to the future workplace.
We teach pupils to become effective users of technology who can:
- Effectively and competently apply all aspects of Computer Science; including programming, algorithms, debugging and communication networks.
- Use computational thinking to analyse and solve problems.
- Safely and respectfully use the World Wide Web and understand what to do and where to go if they have concerns about the internet or other online technologies.
- Use search technologies effectively to select relevant content from a ranked list.
- Communicate and present their ideas using a variety of Information Technology that support roots in the school’s broader curriculum.
Year 1 - 2 NCCE Computing CurriculumYear 3-6 NCCE Computing Curriculum