Our Forest School
We are excited to announce that Oldfield Brow Primary has recently launched a Forest School program for our children. Forest School is an innovative educational approach that aims to provide children with valuable outdoor experiences and foster a deep connection with nature.
At Forest School, children will have the opportunity to engage in various activities such as den building, natural art, campfire cooking, and wildlife exploration. These activities are carefully designed to develop their confidence, resilience, and teamwork skills, while also enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the natural environment.
Our Forest School sessions will be led by a qualified teacher who will ensure a safe and enriching learning environment for your children. They will guide the children through exciting adventures, encouraging them to explore, discover, and learn through hands-on experiences.
We believe that Forest School will not only provide a unique and holistic learning experience for your child, but it will also promote their physical and mental well-being. Research has shown that spending time outdoors can have a positive impact on children's health, concentration, and overall development.
We will be sharing more details about the Forest School program in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our school website and newsletters for updates. We look forward to embarking on this wonderful outdoor journey with your children.
Our fabulous 'Friends of Oldfield Brow' are raising money to support the development of our outdoor provision to support our implementation of the Forest School over the next 12 months. We cannot wait!
So, what might a session of Forest School look like?
Den building, tool use and tool creation, environmental education and awareness, team activities, solo activities, leaf rubbing, scavenger hunts, imaginative play, fire making, puddle jumping, climbing, cooking or creative projects are all pursuits which children could take part in, but why?
Forest School gives children time and opportunity to engage with the natural world through play, exploration and supported risk taking. It was born out of the Scandinavian culture of friluftsliv, or ‘free air life’, with the process encouraging children to investigate for themselves, rather than be ‘taught’ in a traditional way, allowing social, emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual development to take place naturally and in a natural environment.
Although ‘forest’ is in the title, sessions can take place in any outdoors environment which allows for connection with nature, and an understanding of how we as humans fit into it. Our modern world demands constant response and reaction to risk and problems. Forest School develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a safe, nurturing, non-judgemental setting. Taking and working through supported risk allows children to become healthy, resilient, creative, and independent learners: our adults of the future.